Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office


Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Are you a Caregiver Consultant?

As you know, you can be the most important person in somone’s life at a time when they desperately need you. You offer compassion, empathy, knowledge, wisdom… in addition to…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

A Simple Organizer. Try it!

Try it! And, please tell me if you find it helpful for your situation. We kept it simple. We made it strong. A To-Do Calendar. Check off the items when…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office


Caring for your patient. One day is like the next is like the last. Until it isn’t. Unexpectedly, the situation changes. Where is that latest MOST document? Unexpectedly, the situation…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Who are you caring for? Coordinating?

  About 8 to 9 Million Canadians are caregivers. 40 Million in the USA. More than half the women in Canada and USA are caregivers. Who are you caring for…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Caregiver & Patient Safety

Caregiving isn’t just about patient care. It’s also about patient safety. > how hot does it get? > how long does it stay hot? > is fire-smoke air quality an…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Can I say, In the Trenches?

A good friend is ‘In the Trenches’ as we say. She’s caring for her aging mom whose health is declining, and for complicated family reasons does not have the full…

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Simplify Caring, caregiver, carer, unpaid care, patient,

The Love of Care: A video

This special report examines challenges, stresses, and triumphs for family caregivers. More than 53 million Americans identify as family caregivers. That’s more than 1 in 5 adults. This video is…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Accept Help

We have alot of reasons to multi-task. We have alot of reasons to find shortcuts, efficiencies, technological helps. But not in care. When we divide our attention, we can miss…

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