Caregiver & Patient Safety

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Caregiving isn’t just about patient care. It’s also about patient safety.

> how hot does it get?
> how long does it stay hot?
> is fire-smoke air quality an issue?
> are you prepared for an evacuation?

How do you remain aware?
What are your go-to information sources?
Are they bookmarked so you can readily check them?

I live on the west coast of Canada. Here are my environmental forecast checks.

We live in a time when seasonal weather assumptions can be considered a thing of the past. Please make yourself aware and work towards being prepared. Even if it means 10 minutes per day?  Working towards a plan, a grab-n-go bag, a conversation with the care-home or in-home service provider about potential evacuation etc.

Use your team. Make a plan. Be organized.
Everyone’s anxiety is up in fire season. Look after your team and yourself.

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

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