Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office


Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

An Organizer. For Who?

For you. You have an idea and you want to form a small group to build on it. For you. You are admin support or secretary or chair of a…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

What Happens Now?

My friends who are caregivers don’t call themselves caregivers. They simply get done what must get done. When they realized they were being relied on as ‘it‘, to ensure their…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

A Simple Organizer. Try it!

Try it! And, please tell me if you find it helpful for your situation. We kept it simple. We made it strong. A To-Do Calendar. Check off the items when…

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Simplify Caring Tiny Online Office

Q: Who is in Charge,
When You Are the Caregiver?

A: You Are, If You Have All the Information You play a crucial role in the care of your person. You’re the one ensuring their needs are met, their health…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Is this you?

Caregivers. Those who choose to focus on what’s best for someone else. We come in all shapes, sizes and abilities, yes? Working parent caring for an elderly relative, a spouse…

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Caregiving Works in Every Language!

We didn’t learn how to be a caregiver from experts. Caregiving happened in your life, because, you chose to step up. Every day, you choose to step up. This same…

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