That which we can manage.

That which we can manage.
“We have found that about 65% of people wait until things are unbearable or a medical event dictates the need for urgent change… The other 35% of people are proactive planners. We love it when clients lean into the coming transitions. They explore all their options and select their preferences.” Lori Germain
> > from
In this caregiving season of life we find ourselves in, there is so little we can pre-plan and prepare ourselves for. Everything feels reactive. Dad falls and the resulting hospital stay changes everything. For him and mom, and us. The assisted living person calls us because dad’s temper flared and he started blocking care aides at the door with his walker. The unanticipateds come out of nowhere and don’t seem to stop.
The goal of Simplify Caring App is to be the info organizer. We organize what we can, yes? To-do’s, contact info, vital documents, helpful photos, internal-confidential notes within the carer group. Secure and all in one place. Dealing with that which we can’t control is less overwhelming when THAT WHICH WE CAN MANAGE, is organized and available to us all the time. You and your careteam synced all the time.
The only organizer built by and for people in caregiver roles and their co-carers. We built it strong. We kept it simple. Free Trial.
> Here’s the app URL:
> Blog posts about it:
> The ‘help’ website:
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