Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office


Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Are you a Caregiver Consultant?

As you know, you can be the most important person in somone’s life at a time when they desperately need you. You offer compassion, empathy, knowledge, wisdom… in addition to…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

A Simple Organizer. Try it!

Try it! And, please tell me if you find it helpful for your situation. We kept it simple. We made it strong. A To-Do Calendar. Check off the items when…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Don’t Lose It!

This and some version of this is oh so common. A new admit to hospital after a fall, from relatively independent living to, “things are changing quickly for us all…

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Simplify Caring Tiny Online Office

Your Email is not Broken

EMAIL is not broken. It does what it was designed to do. Email is faster, has geographic reach, traceable, and you can send it to many people at once. What…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Necessity compels Innovation

In 1991 the University of Cambridge created theĀ first webcam. But why? Well, to monitor the coffee pot and check who was drinking all the coffee in the office. You know,…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Caregiver & Patient Safety

Caregiving isn’t just about patient care. It’s also about patient safety. > how hot does it get? > how long does it stay hot? > is fire-smoke air quality an…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

This Week

This week. I walked into mom’s west wing at the care home. A crowd of staff at the nurse’s station. Shift change debrief time. Mom wasn’t in her room, not…

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Care Home Elevator

  You arrive at the care home to visit, maybe it’s an assisted living facility or palliative care ward. Step into the elevator and the doors close. You glance around…

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