A Free Team Member?

As we planned and built the Simplify Caring App we kept reminding ourselves that it has to provide the benefit of being one more team member. And all this team member does is keep track of things. Keep it Simple.
You will find it is:
Always there for you when you’re looking for a specialist’s contact info.
Always there for you when you need the in-home care contract you signed weeks ago.
Always there for you when you want that photo of that great hour your mom had that always lifts your spirits.
Always there for you when you want to quickly add something onto the to-do list for 2 weeks from now.
Always there for you when you want to leave a note for your care team members.
Always there for you.
We made it easy to use.
We made it easy to share with the team member you choose to invite in.
We made it inexpensive. One subscription rate per month includes up to 9 team members.
We made it give you a free trial to check it out without committing.
We made it easy to leave. Just stop the subscription.
We made it for caregivers, because we are caregivers.
Please sign up. Then, tell us sometime if you find it to be helpful in your situation.
> Here’s the app URL: https://app.simplifycaring.com/signup
> Blog posts about it: https://simplifycaring.com/blog
> The ‘help’ website: https://help.simplifycaring.com
Thank you.