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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

We have alot of reasons to multi-task. We have alot of reasons to find shortcuts, efficiencies, technological helps.
But not in care.

When we divide our attention, we can miss important signals.
In caregiving we can’t rush the difficult. We survive, we live in it and most days we know we will live through it.

Is this your experience and wisdom too?
Let’s focus. Let’s organize. Let’s accept helpers.

#tinyoffice #onlineoffice
#doula #doulalife #doulas
#seniorcare #caregiversupport
#eldercare #dementiacare
#ltc #assistedlivingfacilities

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Are you a Caregiver Consultant?

As you know, you can be the most important person in somone’s life at a time when they desp...

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Connie Jorsvik, Patient Pathways, Healthcare Navigation, Vancouver, Simplify Caring

Have You Met Connie?

You and your caregiving team have probably heard of Connie Jorsvik in Vancouver. Since 2010, Conn...

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

An Organizer. For Who?

For you. You have an idea and you want to form a small group to build on it. For you. You are adm...

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