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The Simplify Caring App for caregivers is new. New for you!
We want to know if what caregivers have been telling us is real. While we were developing the latest version of the App we heard from many who said:
“Oh wow – we really could have used something like that!”
”Yes! That is so necessary!”
”Communication between team members would be better
if they all had access to the same information all the time.”
”Document, document, document! It’s what I keep hammering
in to all my caregiver clients all the time!”
If you are a hands-on caregiver or involved with advising, guiding, navigating, consulting to caregivers,
I want to talk with you. Here’s the offer.
You get a free subscription to use Simplify Caring App.
If and when you like it and want to tell others about it,
we pay you a little something when others subscribe.
What’s our goal? Sell, sell, sell? No, no, no!
We want to hear from caregivers who realize they don’t have to invent their own system to be organized. Shared to-do’s and all necessary documents, contacts, notes in one safe place. It’s your own tiny, online office!
We want to get going on the next version with new features that caregivers asked us about. They made it onto our to-do list and some are already built!
Tell us if the Simplify Caring App is helpful for you in your complicated, unique caregiver world.
We make good things that are helpful.
- Here’s the app URL:
https://app.simplifycaring.com/signup - The ‘help’ website:
https://help.simplifycaring.com - Blog posts about it:
- Here’s the app URL:
be well