Caring is a Verb

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Yes, caring is also a noun, also an adjective. Your caring however, is an action. Simplify Caring is intended for those who actively (verb) care. We have seen the market flooded with devices and apps that enable you to monitor and remain updated on the status, health and hired care that your loved on is receiving. We have seen apps like:

  • Refuel. Lets you monitor your propane tank from your phone.
  • Smart Baby Monitors. Check on your baby from anywhere via your phone.
  • Monitoring App. “Be virtually present…” Umm, nope. That’s not being present.
  • Smart Home Monitoring. Security. Energy consumption…
  • Monitor your own or family members’ Smart Phone.

We never intended to build something that enables you to stay away more from your loved one and remain updated. No. You decided at the outset that caring is what you do. It’s part of your life. Simplify Caring is intended to help you stay organized. That’s it.

Like you, we are somewhere on the journey of eldercare. We coordinated and hands-on supported mom and dad as they transitioned from independent living, in-home agency contractors to supported living. Then hospital stays, recovery and now long-term full-on care home. Some was half a country away and now we’re within driving distance for visits. Dad passed on in December and mom now has a roommate. Dementia, communication compromised by strokes, Maureen’s dad dealing with long term lymphoma that appears to have awoken from its medicated slumber…

Like you, we are on that journey that is regular and remarkable life. Like you, we choose to be hands-on because we can.

Be well.
Don’t feel alone. Sometimes it drags on and sometimes it changes faster than we are prepared for.
Be well.

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

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