Organized Doesn’t Mean Neat

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

This is the type of photo that search engines find for you when you search for ‘organized’. They assume you’re looking for ‘neat’ and ‘uncluttered’ and typically there’s alot of white, bright, minimalist, new and happy imagery.

You and I know that caregiving can be organized but it is seldom neat. It is emergency management, in slow motion. Showing up every day, knowing where things are, doing the next 5 things, documenting if/when you have time and all the feelings.

If you are lucky enough to have help, maybe a small impromptu team or in-home care that arrives on a schedule, the need to be organized becomes more prominent. Still not neat, but you know where stuff is, when things need to happen and who’s on deck to pick up the various tasks.

This is the part that Simplify Caring is obsessed with.

Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

Looking for Traffic

. The Simplify Caring App for caregivers is new. New for you! We want to know if what caregivers ...

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

A Storage Box – In a fireproof safe.

“When looking at the best way to organize all of my parents’ information, I decided on a combinat...

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Simplify Caring, Your Little Online Office

A Free Team Member?

As we planned and built the Simplify Caring App we kept reminding ourselves that it has to provid...

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