Have You Met Connie?

Connie Jorsvik, Patient Pathways, Healthcare Navigation, Vancouver, Simplify Caring

You and your caregiving team have probably heard of Connie Jorsvik in Vancouver. Since 2010, Connie and her Patient Pathways associates have guided, advocated, navigated and now she’s authored a book, all to do with helping patients and care partners organize, manage and plan ahead for health care emergencies and complex illness.

Around Connie you’ll hear phrases like Advance Care Planning, Learning, Write Everything Down and Empowering Patients to name a few. She practices her stuff and preaches it too! Many free online workshops, many articles and now her book, Navigating the BC Healthcare System.

Years ago, when I first met Connie she said;

“You know Rudy, the BC Healthcare System isn’t a system at all! It’s a bunch of agencies delivering services while trying to hold hands. And things drop into the gaps between!”

That insightful phrase has stayed with me.

Connie has been one of our advisors to the  Simplify Caring dev team and will be encouraging her audience and clients to see if the web-app could be helpful in their caregiving situation.  Recently she said;

“Families need access to Representation Agreements and Enduring Power of Attorney documents during illness and medical crises. They also need to be able to communicate with other members of the patient’s team about tasks and upcoming appointments.”
And, “For years I have been trying to find a simple solution for adults and their loved ones for sharing vital documents, notes and tasks. My long-time friend and associate, Rudy Kehler, has come to the rescue.”

We are super grateful for the encouragement and knowledge sharing of Connie and other professionals like her!

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Looking for Traffic

. The Simplify Caring App for caregivers is new. New for you! We want to know if what caregivers ...

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Simplify Caring, Your Online Simple Office

A Storage Box – In a fireproof safe.

“When looking at the best way to organize all of my parents’ information, I decided on a combinat...

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Simplify Caring, Your Little Online Office

A Free Team Member?

As we planned and built the Simplify Caring App we kept reminding ourselves that it has to provid...

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